According to I'm not, these particular photos of Kate were taken just a few days ago at a "PBS Symposium". However, I think they have very much been given the incorrect information. Though Kate has a tendency to recycle her outfits, Kate was seen - scratch that, looked - identical to this at Miramax's pre-Oscar party back on March 23rd, 2002. The first thing that caught my eye was of course that spectacular denim dress (few could pull of such a dress, eh?). Everything is indentical: hair (which is longer than her current length); facial age; shoes; makeup, etc.
Verdict? Don't be fooled, these pictures are not new; they were taken back in '02.
Here's a picture taken from the Miramax party back in '02:
Katebecks is theplace to be for up-to-date information, pictures and opinions on the English actress.
Regarding comments, suggestions, complaints, etc - I can be contacted here
Kate Quote
"If someone had told me years ago that sharing a sense of humour was so vital to partnerships, I could have avoided a lot of sex!"
Favourite Movie? (staring Kate)
Kate Quote
"Oh it’s awful being compared to such an incredibly talented woman! Both of us are in big movies with ships sinking but it’s lovely to be compared with her, I think she’s amazing." (on Kate Winslet)
Katebecks is in no way affilated with Kate Beckinsale, her manager or any of her family. This Blog is both 100% fan operated and non-profit; in no way are are we to infringe on the copyrights or businesses of any of the original material (whether that be photos, articles, etc)
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