Tuesday, December 11, 2007

"Whiteout" Promo Pictures

New "Whiteout" promos!

Thanks to my reader "Dan Murray" for the heads up.


nichomach said...

Wow. Words (at least any that I can muster) cannot describe how much I'm looking forward to the release of this film...

Anonymous said...

Yes, me too.
When is supposed to come out ?
Beginning of Spring ?

Anonymous said...

Yippee Whiteout pics!! Kate will be amazing in this movie! I like the 2nd one, because it shows them in action!

BruceMcc said...

Hey folks,

Appreciate the responses. I'm sorry I couldn't respond earlier.

At the moment, there is no real release date for the film other than "2008".

>> http://katebecks.blogspot.com/2007/11/2008-film-forecast.html